A Christmas card with an artist’s lovely rendition of two animals laying down. We see a sleeping lion, his massive head resting on a paw, and in front, an alert lamb looking right at the viewer, with his small black front hooves in the foreground.
in small print in the corner: “And peace will reign in the kingdom-
lion will lie down with the lamb.”
message: May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with hope and peace.”
addition with the card:
the Lion:
doctor was stern. “Your cholesterol is off the chart. If you don’t make some
serious dietary changes, you won’t be king of your pride much longer.”
heard about the vegan thing, but now it was time to give it a try. Fruits?
Veggies? Grains? Oh well, it might be worth it if I can still be the big cheese
with my extended family. I quickly found that ketchup improves veggies, and
maple syrup on brown rice is close to yummy.
You bet! I have new friends now. The lamb dude is a barrel of laughs, and a
damned good chess player, too. Sorry the artist caught me napping, but my good
health has definitely improved my family life and I’m finding that naps are key
to my day. Like I tell them, every nap is a good nap! My little buddy is guarding
me, and promises to wake me when it’s time to go to the Farmer’s Market. Peace
is groovy, can you dig it?
* *
* * * *
the Lamb:
I’m here with my buddy, just hanging out while
he naps. We heard that we’re in a book, some example of how things will be so
peaceful when humans behave themselves that even the lion and the lamb will lay
down together. Whatever. We just know that we enjoy each other’s company and
look forward to our next cool idea of stuff to do together.
played scrabble a few days ago, wow, it was so fun! It was touch and go with
the score, he’s got quite a firm grasp on his spelling, I only challenged him
once and I was wrong! Ouch! But listen to this – he put down a good word, it
covered the triple word square and the last letter was an S. His score zoomed
up, I thought I was a goner. I pondered and squirmed, while he drummed his
claws on the table. I was really stuck. But that S was open, what to do? With
my tiny hooves I put down U X O R I O U - - finishing on his S! Used my seven letters, got the X on the
triple letter square, double word too, and went ahead of him on the score
sheet! The game ended in a tie, we laughed for hours and considered that we
were both winners. He said his wife will remind him of that word often. Life is
good, hope yours is too!
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
Notes from the lamb: Peace? Hope? Really? They said it couldn’t
be done. But mix in a miracle, and lion and I are friends. Yeah, he went vegan,
and is in better health now. As for me, getting rid of the fear factor was
difficult, but look what I’ve gained. An interesting buddy to share all kinds
of fun with, like chess, cards, scrabble, baseball, movies, books, music, good
beer :( oh, don’t get your undies in a
bundle! We share 2 different classy beers while playing chess, critique and
journal all pertinent info. I’m an old lamb :), and our family histories
give us endless topics of conversation. We have a new collaboration, I’ll let
him tell you about it.
News from the lion: We’re writing a book. My history, his
history, and how an unexpected turn of
events put us together, that’s the miracle part. Finding a literary agent,
that’s the hope part. Lamb and I are all about different critters not only
finding friendship, but spreading the peace vibe. Sure beats the alternative of
being the bully or the victim, eh? And believe us, miracles do happen. Stay
alert for yours!
* *
* * *
2016 Notes from Lamb:
Again with the sleeping! Lion is all
about his naps, and how cool that I get to be his protector while he sleeps.
His pride is ok with our friendship, but other lions aren’t and would kick his
ass and have me for lunch if they could. And the humans running around like
nutjob trophy hunters. Ugh. So I’m on duty. Baaaaa!
Yesterday we had a big party, tons of
fun. Some of my sheep buddies showed up and we did this jumping leaping
spinning thing and Lion laughed so hard grass came out of his nose! That made
everybody laugh until our sides hurt.
Wise Owl told us that we’re the perfect
example of altruism, we’ll google it. Later we watched a gorgeous sunset as
thousands of Sandhill Cranes came to roost.
We’re all dialed in with this peace
plan, hope you are, too!
* * * * * *
2017 Note from the lamb:
Yep, I’m smiling again, while my big buddy naps. We just
finished a new version of an old song, fun to sing loud!
Amazing Peace, how sweet
the word,
that saved a wretch like
I once was lost, but now
am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
‘Twas Peace that taught my
heart to fear,
And Peace my fears
How precious did that
Peace appear,
The hour I first believed.
My God has promised Peace
to me,
Her word my hope assures,
Peace will my shield and
portion be,
As long as life endures.
Through many dangers,
toils, and snares
I have already come,
‘Twas Peace that brought
me save thus far,
And Peace will lead me
When we’ve been home
10,000 years,
Bright shining with the
We’ve no less days to sing
Peace praise
Than when we’d first
Kalamazoo, how sweet the
That saved a wretch like
I once was lost, but now
am found,
Was blind, but now I see!
Our gratitude to John Newton, who wrote
“Amazing Grace.” He’d approve!
* * * * * *
2018 Note from the lamb:
Lion and Lamb 2019
Notes from Lion: Yep, that’s me snoozing, how I love my naps. Now that my diet has changed, munching grass, berries, and nuts is a test because I need to eat a few times a day. Former me ate a couple times a month, I was into the catch and kill thing. This change has been interesting, and much more calm! That whole stalk, chase, kill thing was hard on my cardio vascular system, and oh, don’t even ask about the stuff I ate. Talk about a killer diet… I’m healthy now, much happier, too. And bonus – new friends! This little buddy, Lamb, is one, we laugh and find ways to enjoy our time together. Cards, chess, scrabble, dancing, jumping contests, paper scissors rock, even a ½ marathon—damn it, he beat me! It’s always fun to make plans for our next fun. Hope you are having fun! Schedule it!
Notes from Lamb: I learned so much being buddies with this big guy. Like don’t ask about his former diet, just don’t. I personally cannot imagine biting into meat. Just give me some open land and I’m happy to graze the day away, enjoying the sun, rain, birds, butterflies, wind, and the landscape vista. By the Grace of God, my big buddy was determined to live without killing anyone again, and I helped him figure out Plan B. That turned out to be the easy part, because I’ve seen his former pride bully him for his choice. I can’t help him with that, but sure admire him for taking their stuff, giving them a strong look over his shoulder as we walk on. The other day he got a most welcome reward: one of the young dudes from his pride approached, and queried him about how to turn to peace. Ever see a lion smile? I have. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Notes from karen.chadwick@gmail.com ~ 2019 has been happy challenges: visit with my granddaughter; giving best massage therapy—45 years—to a few fortunate folks; doing tiny yoga; my group MLK Park Landscape Love continues to honor this world class fine art fiercely beautiful space; writing glimpses of history for my blog; and getting out query letters on the hunt for a literary agent and publisher for a memoir recounting my life and work in New Harmony. New on the blog, are four “Dear Jean” letters, fiction of the factual Industrial Revolution, and now “Dear Jean P.S.,” nonfiction pieces of early American history, good, bad, and ugly as it rolled. A zealot religious group built a whole town in early America, then sold it to zealot secular social engineers. Socialists before socialism, what could go wrong? I lived there for over six years. As you click the blog, thank you, a little counter goes up one, and that’s huge help for the agent hunt, as of today 8626 clicks. I count my lucky stars that my neph, wordsmith Garrett, offers sharp edit eye for the blog, much better read! I thank you, loves, for our shared journey. As I see my age counter going up, ya, me, 73, I tell young folks, “Hope you like surprises!” ~ ~ ~ karen-chadwick.blogspot.com ~ ~ ~
Lion and Lamb 2021
Lion and Lamb 2023
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