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This photo is of The Roofless Church, a world famous church in New Harmony, IN. The dome here is part of a beautiful walled 8 acre open space and Jane Blaffer Owen got press in the NYT for her amazing dream come true. Notice anything strange in this photo? And who's that young guy? Photo Credit: James K. Mellow, St. Louis MO

Jan 2, 2024

It's OK to be Angry About Capitalism -Bernie


Bernie Sanders

It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism



           I sit in a friend’s backyard this wonderful late summer sunny afternoon. All Beautiful Blue Sky and about to jump into Bernie’s new book for the 4th time. Yep, 4. First time I read it cover to cover so fast I could barely “red ink” parts that jump my soul. Why, you ask?

That Sanders guy matters and I like what I hear. Morals, ethics, and smarts I appreciate, go, Bernie, go!

          Introduction: CAPITALISM IS THE PROBLEM

          First sentence floors me. Second sentence better. Every sentence better, every paragraph matters.

          Bernie limits his keen eye to American policy of recent past, I understand. Third paragraph is example: “Here is the simple, straight forward reality: The uber-capitalist economic system that has taken hold in the United States in recent years, propelled by uncontrollable greed and contempt for human decency, is not merely unjust. It is grossly immoral.”

          But Bernie,  really, recent years? Methinks the minute Europeans set foot on these shores, greed propelled every step. However, Bernie keeps his focus recent, ok. Bernie pokes the living breathing bear with smarts, passion, and vision.

          And his voice! I hear him reading this book out loud as I read each sentence. That takes some of the harsh out.

          Another sentence from the intro: “In the twenty-first century we can end the vicious dog-eat-dog economy in which the vast majority struggle to survive, while a handful of billionaires have more wealth than they could spend in a thousand lifetimes.”

          We can? Bernie has a few suggestions. How I appreciate his optimism, I have little left. He explains what big money does – buys politicians and their vote to keep their yachts afloat. They own most media, their interests are served as they control policy, and diminish critical examination by any media that doesn’t agree with how the big kids play.

          My problem is time. With the 2015-16 Chump mess, then 2019-20 covd and election mess, I’ve forgotten so much. Brain fog w/6 covd shots? Maybe. I so very much appreciate Bernie chatting up his two runs for President, I find this account of these last 8 years very helpful. He ran against Hilary! He won 22 states primaries! Young folks by the millions got their vote thing figured out and voted in primaries. SHOCK! Bernie has the gift of talking to young voters in a way they like, want more of, and VOTE! He now shows how this deeply disturbed power.

          Hard facts tell how Bernie mattered to young voters and how establishment power chopped at his kneecaps.

          Bernie says, “During our campaigns, millions of young people in this country made it clear: They wanted change, real change.”

          When Bernie’s campaign lost the 2020 Dem nomination, he worked with the progressive movement to defeat Chump and elect Biden. Bernie says they are friends and sees Biden as a very decent human being.

          Hmm. Bernie, what about Anita Hill? Where was Biden’s decency when he had power to accept her testimony but instead opened the door to the Supreme Court for CT? Decent?

          Such good news for Biden’s campaign, as with Bernie’s supporters willing to vote for Biden, it worked. Methinks some voted against Chump, not for Biden.

          How I wish it weren’t so – even though Biden won in 2020, Chump got 10 million more votes than 2016. Bernie goes into detail of why that happened. How Dems have dropped the ball on helping folks have better life outcomes and now believe Chump will.

          Bernie points out how the Obama administration would not, did not, could not make policy/law to improve the average citizen’s circumstances. But wait, Bernie. Maybe the fact that Obama didn’t have congressional votes? The fact that the GOP did everything they could to stop Obama’s “Yes We Can.” And Biden was in the thick of that mess? Whose fault is it that “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling, now approves corporate funding of politicians? Now the corrupt campaign finance system is ok! Ugh.

          Here are some sub-headings:

          Failing to Build Back Better – ouch.

          Economic Rights are Human Rights – really?

          Bernie gives FDR quote from 1944 State of the Union speech – middle of WWII – that – “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence.” An aside here, my wealthy boss HATED FDR, as did most GOP types. And why, you ask? According to her, he turned away from GOP values even though he was part of one of the wealthiest (GOP) families in US history. More on her later.

          Bernie points out how that now three Wall Street firms, Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street control assets of over $20 trillion and are major shareholders in almost every major corporation – media, transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing. Sounds like CEO of GE, dangerous Jack Welch’s greed values took hold and crushed GE to tiny pieces. To him, and to Friedman, libertarian at UC economics, nothing is more important than making $ for stockholders. Nothing. Welsh took corporate greed to new depths.

          The intro concludes with:

          For a New America

          And several paragraphs of how we can have healthy change. Excellent. Bernie quotes MLK’s 1967 talk to Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Atlanta, regarding the 40 million poor people in the USA and why capitalism chokes wealth distribution. Time to ask questions.

Turn the page.

Chapter 1. Not Me, Us.

          The 2020 campaign and the fight to transform our country.

          Chapter 1 starts, “On April 8, 2020” – OH. FYI, that date marked a terrible year worldwide, Covd had infected the USA in March, 2020 and by April, it was a living/dying nightmare everywhere. That’s the back story of what Bernie did that day. He suspended his campaign. Why? His push to be President had fallen short of the delegates needed. Here, he reminds readers that what he offers is a movement, not just a campaign.    

          Ouch! Polls showed Bernie’s campaign did poorly with older voters, but young, Black, Latino, Asian American, Native American and white voters under 40 yrs. old rallied with passion, labor, volunteering everywhere. A new way to fund a campaign, small $, no big $ here.

          Well, damn it, I’m an older voter and gladly vote for him. Duhh

          Bernie points out the disastrous Supreme Court ruling for ‘Citizens United’ which opens the door for Big Money to buy politicians. Bernie says that needs to be overturned and establish public funding of campaigns. Such a dreamer!

          A Campaign Finance Revolution, Seizing the Political Power of Social Media, Speaking to Voters in Their Own Language, Taking the Message Directly to the People, You’re Having a Heart Attack

          OMG. With all my sudden life changes I’d forgotten this harsh fact. Heart attack? Yep. It happened to Bernie while he was at a campaign event, October 1, 2019. He gives details of the hours, days, and weeks after, and by two weeks after he was back at it. His poll #’s kept rising, he mattered as did his vision for what we deserve.

 Confronting the Status Quo

          He was giving Dems sleepless nights. Why? “What the establishment was anxious about was the fact that we were beginning to transform the Dem Party from an election machine dominated by wealthy campaign contributors and corporate interests into a multi racial, multi-ethnic, urban and rural movement of the working class.”

          How I wish I could find value in the fact that the Dem Party and current President, Biden, up for re-election, both wanted Bernie gone. Well, after all, Bernie isn’t a Dem. So that.

          Bernie chats up the last Dem debate of Feb. 29, 2020 – how the others ignored issues and attacked Bernie all night. Grrrrrrr.

          Ending a Campaign, Carrying a Movement Forward

          Hard times for the Bernie folks, what to do? Bernie explains, since his main goal was to get Chump out of the White House, Bernie pivoted, gave OK to back Biden. Defeat Chump!

          As Bernie gave his concession speech, he shared the common thread like this – the greatest obstacle to reach social change is the power of the corporate and political establishment to limit our vision. Do we deserve good health care? Decent wage and working conditions? All the education necessary to fulfill our dreams? Clean environment? How dare we want those?

Chapter 2    Taking on Trump

       Our progressive movement’s struggle to defeat the most dangerous president in American history.

          How Bernie and campaign staff handled the Biden show. Ugh. Hard read.

 How Task Forces Gave the Biden Campaign a Progressive Agenda

          So hard to imagine smart, articulate, determined progressives at the same table with Biden Dems. Check pg. 42 for how a wide variety of topics were considered and what both could agree on. Sickening. Now I feel duped into believing Dems have heart. Nope. Some do, lots don’t.

           The Most Progressive Platform in the history of the Dem Party

          I guess!

          Addressing the Dem National Convention Virtual – covd. That.

          Bernie gave the opening keynote speech, to a camera, not a crowd. He ripped Chump apart for his four years of mess, good read here.

          Building the Anti-Trump Movement

          Interesting question here: “How could we effectively support a candidate who was far more conservative that I was without compromising our progressive principles or disappointing our supporters?” How, indeed.

           Our Mostly Virtual Campaign for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

          OMG! Bernie did a car rally for Biden in Michigan! Damn, I totally forgot that. Bernie went, many hundreds of cars honked, oh! I’d forgotten how that rolled, wish a date/place was included. Good news, 2020 Michigan election went to Biden.

 Campaigning Against Systemic Racism, Raising Political Consciousness, Battling Against Covid 19 and Pandemic Profiteering

          Sickening how Chump failed in so many ways. Important read anyway.

          The Fight for Democracy

          Well! No wonder I love me some Bernie. On Sept. 24, 2020, Bernie gave a speech at George Washington University and warned what Chump was capable of if he lost the election. Yep. That. If only the Capital Police had been listening…

          Chapter 3   The Fight to Build Back Better

       Why do Dems have such a hard time delivering on the promise of transformational change?

          Hmm, clear as mud. I guess Bernie and his writer John Nichols, so familiar with the details of Senate rules, they assume we know what is discussed here. Back and forth with important dates – like the GA run-off that gave 2 Dems entry to Senate on Jan. 5, 2021. Then the narrative jumps back to Dec. 28, 2020 and what Bernie did to make Senators vote for a $2,000 payment to every man, woman, and child in the USA to give them some much needed cash through those ugly covd times.

          I’m confused. Senate rules are waaaaaaay uninteresting, so that. Then drop in the confusion about who voted for that $2,000, when that vote happened and why Bernie’s objection to Senators leaving before that vote could matter. Something about Bernie’s objection meant that Senators could not go home??? Do I care?

          Well, it is funny. McConnell claimed the $2000 to all was socialism! LOL!

          Then it gets better. Bernie tells us that McConnell voted happily for a tax break for Charles Koch - $1.4 Billion. I’m gonna puke. It gets worse. Amazon got a $129 million tax REBATE check from IRS after paying nothing in federal income taxes. Puke.

          Best to read this section, lots of important details if you have courage to grasp how ugly it was. Remember, this was before any covd shots, we as a nation lived in real minute-by-minute FEAR re: covd.

          Bernie’s staff director did a very cool thing, enlarged the tax rebate check to Amazon to poster size so all in Senate had to see that big money going to very profitable corporations.

In the Middle of a Violent Assault on Democracy

          Jan. 6, 2021. Bernie was there. He was in a room guarded by police and FBI with machine guns. Fucking insane.

          Bernie then chats up Jan. 20, 2021, Biden’s inauguration which was extremely fortified by well-armed National Guard units from many states. WTF.

          Bernie is so generous, tells how he chatted with many Guard, they were defending our Constitution. Maybe. I have my doubts. Some of the attacked and bloodied Capital police were Chump supporters, get your brain around that. Very likely some Guard were, too. Sad. Sad. My extreme racist father, career Navy, dead now, would have been a HUGE Chumper. So, for me, seeing someone in military uniform does not lead to me believing they are good guys. The US military offers secure paycheck, housing, assumed respectability, and how well I know extreme racists benefit from this job security. Oath keepers, anyone?

          Good news – as a little girl I knew my father was wrong. I went to school with Black kids, they were just kids like me. Years of stress and zero communication, try again, no way to respect his violent views, back away, far away. Thank God he died before Chump became President, OMG, that would have been sooooooo ugly.

          A Pair of Mittens

          What a fun read! Check it!

          Chairman of Senate Budget Committee

          I appreciate Bernie’s effort to now educate me about Senate rules – that “reconciliation bill”? Ugly. But since Bernie was Chairman, he knew how to play the game. Sad news – Jan. 2021 was the deadliest month of covd. Good read of what pressures we faced in those harsh covd times. Check it. Interesting how Bernie tried to get better outcomes for those struggling with serious life altering circumstances. I was so lost in my own covd fear I could barely calculate what was going on in Congress. Bernie shows what a mess it was.

  The Fight for $15

          Bernie was determined to raise the Federal minimum wage to $15/hr. Remember that? Sad, sad. $15/hr mattered, but that’s not a living wage for adult workers. Rent to pay, car hassles, kid expenses, health bills, nope, $15/hr is lame unless you live with parents or roomies.

          Bernie put his best effort to get this passed, I highly recommend you read this info. He lists the Dems and Independents who voted against the $15/hr. bill. Puke. To me, if you are an adult on your own, in 21st century USA, $25/hr is modest comfort. Nothing fancy, but a wage to afford a respectable life. Well, in the mid-west maybe. That $25/hr in big cities means sharing a small apartment with a stranger or two. Methinks raising minimum wage only leads to rent going up, other necessary expenses going up up up.

Back in the late sixties, a friend and I would challenge each other to find good food cheap, goal was two lunches for $5.00. Great chili restaurant in Chicago, yep! And yep, couple bucks for the tip, of course. So $7 for two lunches. We rented a crappy apt. on the near west side, the whole neighborhood was getting bought up by the University Med center, so our apt. in a condemned building was $37.50/mo! Whoop! No car, only bikes. Yeah, I got chased and robbed one time coming home. But damn those brats, I rolled off my downed bike, got up and chased them! They ran into a huge housing development along Taylor St., I quickly realized going in there just about nighttime was stupid. Purse gone. Cops saw my bike, I returned, they got me back to the condemned place. I’m a lucky woman.

          A Single Vote Lifted Millions of Americans Out of Desperation

          Ah, the American Rescue Plan. Ok. An emergency measure that made a positive difference.

          The Slow Road to Building Back Better

          What? GOP’s bill, Endless Frontier Act – Yikes. Let’s give a $10 million bailout to Jeff Bezos so he can get a NASA contract??????? WTF. And it passed the Senate, 68-32. Puke.

          Bernie tells us he was lone voice inside Dem Caucus opposing that bill. Next paragraph Senate vote 68-32, so Bernie, what about those other 31 votes? Curious. Some editor missed something.

          Bernie explains what he and some Dem Senators wanted in new bill, just an amazing two pages of what would lead to much better outcomes for us on the bottom. Important read of who, what, why we didn’t get that. Puke. It gets worse. Now I start – again – to strongly dislike how ideas fly or fail in Washington, D.C.

          So Close and Yet So Far

          Ugly. I remember following much of this on CNN, what else to do when I can’t go anywhere besides a 15 min. trip to shop for food? Covd. Watched lots of CNN and thank God for Colbert, he could find humor in these shit times. This read gives the sad facts of how some politicians dance to their big $$$$$ interests. No Build Back Better. Duhh.

Why do Democrats Fail to Hold Republicans to Account?

          Find out.

          Building Back a Little Better

          Wanna get sick? Read this.

          Almost LOL, yes, I watch CNN. Ad after ad after ad tells me how this drug will help me be me, don’t worry about ten serious side effects, just take this drug and I’ll be fine. Bernie tells in detail how Pharma gets its way with Congress. Details. Valuable read. Bold print. Sickening facts. Another one, Fossil fuel industry knows how to work it.

          A Last Chance to Get It Right

          I don’t get it. Bernie proposed amendment after amendment all through the night on Senate floor, fail fail fail and then reconciliation bill passed 51-50. Huh?

          It’s Time to Stop Settling for Less

          Two worthy paragraphs and why I feel the Bern. Pg. 95.


Chapter 4    Billionaires Should Not Exist    

Only by ending American Oligarchy can We Begin to Realize America’s Promise

          Bernie at his best. He wants to do away with our billionaires – tells why, oh my. Could USA really eliminate poverty, homelessness, have health care for all, have education through graduate college be free for all, hard work is rewarded with a living wage? Bernie explains why the billionaires own the current “democracy” as they have politicians protecting their interests while most Americans struggle every day for their survival.

          Greed is Not Good

          Excellent. Bernie calls out conservatives who go on about moral values that limit us in so many ways. BAM! He puts it so directly, “unfettered capitalism is not just creating economic misery for the majority of Americans, it is destroying our health, well-being, our democracy, and our planet.” Then he says, “we must identify the people and the policies that engineer this destruction.” And then this:

          “There is something profoundly wrong, however, when massive corporations, controlled by the wealthiest people on earth, lie, cheat, bribe, and steal in order to make profits…”

          LOL! Bernie chats up recent media re: Putin and his Russian buddies and then says those jerks are just like our $$$$ jerks. He even points out how our media keeps the finger pointing at those Russian bad guys, not our bad guys.

          Oh, time to eat, I have a few carrots and some onions, even some brown rice. My Michigan “Bridge Card” $, empty now, gets next bump in two, no, three weeks. Food only, and with very careful shopping I can stretch it. Guess my “splurge” to get ground round for my meatloaf recipe drained the Bridge card for now. Bernie understands.

          Pg. 101, oh, that “golden rule” thing, if only, Bernie. Hard to face it, but truth is as Europeans arrived, “golden rule” was not on the ‘to-do’ list. He finishes with “if we fail to make the right choice” – VOTE – “it will be made for us by the powerful few…” duhh. A First Nations friend pointed out, “that ‘golden rule’ didn’t work out so good for us.”

Living Under Oligarchy

          Now I’m sick and mad. How the hell did USA’s most wealthy get richer during covd times? Well, they did. Depressing stats. And what to do with all that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$? Get very cozy with politicians, buy influence. Hope Bernie includes how our folks on the Supreme Court happily enjoy influence and big perks... Grrrrrrrrr

          Facts of who has the control, and he says it – we are not a democracy, USA is an oligarchy. Face it.

          The Oligarchs Are Different

          Painful truth here. In a way, I know. Why? Because for over 6 years, I was private secretary to one of the world’s wealthy women, Jane Blaffer Owen. Yes I did. Yes I saw. Yes, I’m glad I’m not involved with that family. Yes, I wrote about my years on the inside. Manuscript ready, any literary agents interested?

          I have no doubt of how Bernie chats up how ultra wealthy live, sure. My boss, JBO, a grand dame of Houston, TX, had created something in a small historic town that had been going downhill for a long time. Her unlimited check book changed New Harmony, IN., in 10,000 ways. Her $ did much good, yet her choice of who would handle her concerns was sad. It was a big machine in a small town, 160 employees running a 90 room Inn, two good restaurants, several small businesses, three sets of gardeners, several historic homes used for special arriving guests, lots of fine art everywhere, she even commissioned a roofless church, a big one. It took me years to have any accurate understanding of how the whole thing rolled, and so very very sad as I learned that only supervisors got health insurance. WTF? That left many hard working adults with no health care. She must have known, though of course, she didn’t actually do the books, of course not. The fact that so many of her staff were un-insured didn’t bother her, she would much rather spend big $$$$ on next artist for a new sculpture, a building, a huge party, etc.

          I remember a day when she read a fax from a TX friend, news that maybe the Federal government would raise the minimum wage – she EXPLODED with anger, “If they do that, I won’t be able to buy a new pair of shoes this winter!”

          Dumb me said to her, “This probably won’t affect you, minimum wage is for new hires, most staff here are longtime.” Dumb me. Why wouldn’t an employer let a new hire, if they met job requirements, have a better salary? Keep folks on minimum wage for years? Puke.

          Much later in that job, I was assisting the arrival of a guest, a long-time friend of my boss, both wealthy TX women. I heard my boss complimenting the guest on her shoes, they both used the same cobbler in Italy. Puke.


          Don’t Hate Musk, Hate the System that Made Musk Possible

          Bernie cautions us: don’t get bogged down with personalities, it creates the false impression that a couple bad eggs are the problem. No! It’s a systemic crisis. Excellent points of how this matters.

          Upending a System That Attacks Our Values and Mangles Priorities

          Any doubt about Bernie? He tells us, “Our struggle is to end a system that evaluates ‘worth’ as a measure of market profitability, a system in which we are asked to believe – based on salaries paid – that the star athlete who helps a billionaire team owner increase his bottom line is ‘worth’ more than a thousand teachers who help children escape poverty.” Then more facts to back this up. Oh, little things like how a drug company CEO gets a $926 million golden parachute and our local EMT workers get maybe $40,000/yr.

          Bernie walks the reader into the history of how “we the people” isn’t about “we” at all. He has deep regard for Eugene V. Debs, 1855-1926, who said, “I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence.” Bernie goes deep on his respect and admiration for Eugene Debs and gives clear view of why most Americans barely know the name, know nothing about the man. Bernie tells how Debs was erased from American culture. The big kids didn’t like him.


          I got a unique look at great wealth when I took a job as private secretary to one of the world’s wealthiest women. A bit over 6 years there, fascinating as this was waaaaaaaaay beyond any job I’d ever had. Shit. Owning my small massage service for 13 years hardly mattered – except that’s why she hired me – her oldest daughter, an adult, had severe aftermath of polio and got massage several times a week in her high end NYC life. My boss thought maybe daughter would visit more often if massage was possible in the tiny town. Me.

          No, I was not privy to her holdings, but she had a lot. Her birthright $$$$$$$. She married a cruel man with no $, had three daughters, never worked a day in her life, but the hubby had a town! My boss spent her adult life putting her wealth into a crumbling piece of American history, she worked tirelessly for her vision. Her wealth was from her father and mother’s combined TX oil $$$$$$$$$$, and as far as I understood, my boss relied on the stock market $, well, some, anyway. Once I did see paperwork that suggested that if the stock market had a good year, my boss would have $2million to play with that year.

Almost funny, during my time, she’d been sitting on a gift from her uncle, and she finally decided how to spend it. Make a mathematically accurate 42 ft. granite replica of the labyrinth that is part of the floor design at a famous French Cathedral. Turn a side yard from one of her many houses into a large garden with the granite labyrinth in the middle, hire a world famous sculptor who specializes in fountains to add a fountain along the side, and have a sharp architect deal with the dream. She was so happy about this, as with the uncle’s gift, she didn’t have to have meetings about where money would go. It was hers! She could spend it without any hassle from anybody! That project was an interesting part of my work there.

           With my experience there, I have a strong appreciation for Bernie’s thinking and world view. Love me some Bernie. I’m still puzzled why this book didn’t get released as a paperback, seems the best way to let more folks afford it. So many mysteries.















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